15 May 2011

Nearly there

A renewed burst of enthusiasm has resulted in several more lengths of track laid outside. The track laying is nearing completion which will be followed by some extensive testing prior to wiring it all up to the controllers. Two Lenz Compact DCC controllers will provide the control, with a Lenz LV102 booster to give up to 5 amps round the power bus. A control box has been made containing the two Lenz power packs, one Compact, the LV102, and a lead with a 10 amp rated plug on the end - the corresponding socket will be connected to the outside power bus. Hopefully this arrangement will provide sufficient DCC power to run the whole of the outside loop. The second Lenz Compact will be a slave and can be attached to the other Compact via a long cable to be used outside as a second controller which will enable two operators to control locomotives, usually one inside operating the terminus station and one outside operating the loop. Now if only it would stop raining I could get on with it...