12 October 2008

Time management

It's amazing how the best intentions are so often curtailed by a lack of time. This most valuable commodity seems to have become rarer as the summer has progressed. I fully expected that at this point in the year I would have at the very least managed to lay one piece of track in the great outdoors. As it is, progress has been painfully slow, if not painfully non-existant. However, a recent birthday brought me a Lima mark 1 BSK in GWR livery, and once repainted into Blue/Grey this will complete the 3 coach passenger rake. Initial enthusiasm for butchering the two BSK's into a BG and an SK has waned a little when I realised the extent of the cutting required, and the fact that the BG should really sit on a shorter underframe. Maybe when I'm feeling braver I'll look at the possibility again...