18 July 2011

Duff Disaster!

You know that feeling when you do something really, really stupid. I decided it was time to investigate the installation of the Lenz Gold decoder and Uhlenbrock SUSI sound module into my brand new Heljan 47. In order to protect said locomotive I even went into the loft and fetched it's box so I could rest it gently on the desk whilst working on it. I placed the loco on it's roof, where it stayed whilst I searched for a screwdriver. Than there was an almighty crash as the loco left the desk and landed on it's wheels on the floor. Now these are not lightweight engines, and are pretty expensive, so the feeling of cold horror that overtook me was perfectly understandable. However, it's not actually too bad. The body shell is intact, and all that appears to have actually broken is one of the bogie pivots. I reclaimed all four broken parts and have superglued it all together, but I guess only time will tell whether it'll stand up to supporting half the weight of the loco in action. Alas, Howes who are the current Heljan distributor appear to be sold out of practically all of the spares for the 47's, so fingers crossed it'll hold together...